Download SQL Management Studio Express
Run the following query against BESmgmt and the table dbo.BASUsers
This will create you a user called admin with a password of blackberry.
@DisplayName VARCHAR(256),
@Authentication VARCHAR(256),
@AuthenticatorTypeId INT,
@AuthenticatorInstanceId INT,
@ExternalAuthenticatorId VARCHAR(255),
@EncryptedPassword VARCHAR(256)
Start of editing required section
SET @DisplayName = 'System Administrator' -- Display name (Not always used)
SET @Authentication = 'BAS' -- 'BAS' for BAS authentication
SET @EncryptedPassword = '2951a982f568f15567b7c6e0e50990b9' -- Encrypted string of password 'blackberry'
End of editing required section
IF @Authentication LIKE 'BAS'
SET @AuthenticatorTypeId = 0 -- Set to 0 for BAS
SET @AuthenticatorInstanceId = 0 -- Set to 0 for BAS
SET @ExternalAuthenticatorId = NULL
EXEC SetUpBASorADAuthentication @DisplayName, @AuthenticatorTypeId, @AuthenticatorInstanceId, @ExternalAuthenticatorId, @EncryptedPassword
SOURCE : Orginal Source