Had an issue this morning where the Backup Exec 2010 services wouldn’t start on a 2008 SBS server.
The Backup Exec Job engine service would just time out when starting up.
In the application event log there was
Event ID : 58068
Source : Backup Exec
The Backup Exec Device and Media Service could not start because the database recovery has failed. Refer to the database recovery log for details.
I then tried opening the backup exec utility located in the symantec folder in program files.
On opening it I was presented with a status of unknown for the server as shown below :-

I tried recovering the database. Even though it said it was 100% complete it never was. Checking the dbrecover.log file in the logs folder which is within the symantec folder revealed it was erroring connecting to the SQL database.
OpenFromInitializationString Connection String = Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=master;Data Source=CT01\BkupExec;Locale Identifier=1033;Application Name=BEWS DBUTIL hr=0x80004005
Error connecting to master database: hr = 0x80004005
OS ERROR: 0x80004005 (-2147467259)
Status of database BEDB is unknown
I then followed the guide on how to test connectivity to a Backup EXEC SQL database at the link below
Symantec TECH24708
This failed with an error message :
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake()) SSL Security error
I then started looking into the SQL SSL.
Eventually I found the fix which was to associate a SSL cert with the database. To do this go to SQL Configuration manager. Right click on BKUPEXEC SQL instance then click on properties.

This brings up a dialog box shown below. Click certificates. As you can see when I went on this server it was blank.

Simply drop the box down and select an in date certificate. Click ok

Restart the BKUPEXEC SQL instance and your hopefully good to go.