Find out who forwards to who in Exchange 2007 / 2010
Run the following Powershell command to find out who forwards to who in Exchange 2007 or 2010 Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | Select…
Run the following Powershell command to find out who forwards to who in Exchange 2007 or 2010 Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | Select…
Here’s a new pic of my wife’s car taken by the sign writing company Stand Out Signs. I quite like the pic they have taken…
As promised here is an update on the mini roof from mini graphics. Whilst the service was bad the end result of the product fitted…
If you want to archive logs daily then you could use the following batch file. This could be used to archive ISA logs, IIS logs…
I keep referring to an 3rd party link if I ever need to remind myself how to debug memory dumps. Thought I would blog it…
Its not often I write about companies that have rubbish customer service but I recently had the pleasure of dealing with a company called Mini…
In Windows 8 you might see the error message when you try to activate Windows couldn’t be activated Go to Control Panel to learn about…
If the Konica Printer has secure printing selected and you cant change it as its greyed out, do the following. Go into the properties of…