Set Outlook Web App Enabled for All users
Using Powershell run the following command Get-CASMailbox | Set-CASMailbox -OWAEnabled $true
Using Powershell run the following command Get-CASMailbox | Set-CASMailbox -OWAEnabled $true
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 6.5.6944 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP1 6.5.7226 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2 6.5.7638 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 post-SP2 6.5.7653.33 Microsoft Exchange…
If you see the error message :- The User has insufficient access right When trying to delete, move or carry out other operations on a…
By the way a little bit of Information. Did you know that Office 2011 for the Mac does not support Online Archive Mailboxes!!! DOH!!! Why…
Near Christmas our 2nd child is to arrive. Unfortunately this means that I have to give up my office. So hence why I am selling…